the Tomb and Bones of Saint Peter Are you interested in serving on the Parish Council or the Finance Council or the Building Committee ?
Scouts from Pack, Troop, and Crew 98 Celebrate Scout Sunday Scouting at St. Anthony's is more than just an activity to learn about the outdoors. Scouting provides fun, fellowship and training to our...
Metro Center, 1975 "Do this in memory of me" Mass Times Monday–Saturday: 8am Tuesday: 7pm Saturday: 5pm Sunday: 7am, 10am, noon, 6:30pm Confessions and Eucharistic Adoration 8–9am Monday to Saturday...
After more than one hundred years, the Dominican House of Studies is preparing to install a bell in their tower. "Do this in memory of me" Mass Times Monday–Saturday: 8am Tuesday: 7pm Saturday: 5pm...
"Do this in memory of me" Mass Times Monday–Saturday: 8am Tuesday: 7pm Saturday: 5pm Sunday: 7am, 10am, noon, 6:30pm Confessions and Eucharistic Adoration 8–9am Monday to Saturday and 6–7 pm every...
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