If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, you are not alone. We are here to listen to you. We are here to support you.
Please call or text our Helpline at 301-637-3223, Monday-Friday 9 AM to 5 PM.
Gabriel Network Staff members are waiting for your call. If you call after business hours or while we are on the line with another caller, please leave a detailed voicemail. We regularly return voicemails within one to two business days.
Our Angel Friend Teams are here for you! Angel Friend Teams are trained volunteers who accompany you through pregnancy and beyond by providing material support (primarily baby clothes, diapers, and wipes) and relationship support. Angel Friends listen to and support you in meeting goals, having healthy supportive relationships, and pursuing interests (including career paths, faith – when applicable, etc.). Clients of any age are eligible for the Angel Friend Program.
Our Maternity Home Program offers rent-free transitional community housing for women who are pregnant and looking for a safe and nurturing place to live during and after pregnancy. Our maternity homes are located in Bowie, Ellicott City, and Gaithersburg, Maryland. Every maternity home has private rooms for women and newborns with shared common spaces (ie. living room, kitchen, bathrooms).
Our Maternity Home Program is set up to support you, to help you thrive. We offer individual and group case management, assistance with setting up social services, group devotional time, and classes offered by Gabriel Network Staff &/or trusted partners. Class topics may include Parenting, Personal Finance, Conflict and Stress Management, and the like. Case management provides time and resources to help you prepare for your future. If a client is invited into our Maternity Home Program, she will be expected to participate in all programming components offered.
Gabriel Network is pleased to offer the Lorraine Sparling Memorial Scholarship. The Scholarship provides educational and professional development assistance to current Gabriel Network clients. The scholarship provides funds of up to $2,000 per year to women who wish to continue their education.
If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, you are not alone. Contact us to get help today!
for more information see here.